Friday, October 19, 2007


In the hustle and bustle of life, we need to take time to let your mind relax and refresh. It is so easy to try to do "everything"and not do anything at all. On the way to work this morning, I heard a statement on the radio that was simple, but true. There are the important things, and the not so important things. But the statement to remember was "JOY". J stands for Jesus,which should be number one in our life, and O stands for others who should come before the last letter Y.Y is for yourself, not that you are not important, you are. But we should to please Him,and by loving your neighbors as ourselves. We are doing what we are suppose to be doing. So when we are buying bigger and better, are doing the right thing? Today's flip calender reading from Bill Hybels says, "Sometimes I disobey the Spirit's leading,choose for self, and pay the price of emptiness and disappointment. Sometime I take a headlong plunge for others and nearly burst with fulfillment and joy."

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