Friday, October 26, 2007

Formula One Racing

Formula One Racing does not get much attention in this country. I dont know if the reason is maybe Nascar. And it not being so "American". In the past for me if it wasn't American muscle, I didn't care about it. But I guess over time, I started thinking more global. I working for a corporation that is based in London,England, and prior to that a German corporation.

Other contributing factors have been movies that I have enjoyed,"Fast and Furious","Speed". I have come appreciate that there are other ways to go fast. Will F1 catch on this country? I don't know, I believe alot of people may think them a little snobby. But some of the snobbishness may be us. We live in a more global world.

In our culture there maybe other things in the future that becomes more of our culture. Such as World Cup soccer, or Rugby,Lacrosse. F1 racing is a great means of entertainment, but also we need to understand, this is cutting edge technology. And with this, we are starting to loss the edge. Just look at American campuses. There are more Chinese and Indian engineering students in our post graduate engineering universities than we could ever imagine.

F1 racing is great racing,and thru it and other means has opened my mind to other ways of looking at things. I still consider myself a good 'ol boy, but in a global world.

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