Tuesday, October 16, 2007

learning a new thing

Mental exercise is just like physical exercise. It is so important that we exercise our minds. If we don't exercise, we will get mentally obese. Co-workers with whom I have worked are so content to do the same thing day in and day out. They love the status Que. We need to get away from the comfort zones. We were not meant to do the same thing day after day. We are meant to make a difference. It could be our jobs, our families, our world. We are suppose to "expand our territory". We need to strap on a comfortable pair walking boots for the mind, read books we normally wouldn't read, see movies that you normally wouldn't watch, rest,pray.
But we need to exercise our minds to be engaged in the things God has purposed and plan for each and everyone of our life's. So learn something new today, you'll be glad you did. It will help you to stay mentally fit, and mentally young.

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