Friday, February 29, 2008

A night at the theatre

Tonight Cathy and I are "going to the theatre", say that with a fake British accent, and it is funny. We are going to a small theatre on the corner of 8th & York Streets in Newport,the place is called the Stained Glass Theatre(I love that name). It is so fitting since it is an old church.

It should be a nice evening. She and I enjoy going to live performances. And we have talked about going every little chance we have to visit one of Cathy's favorite resturant next door,York St. Cafe.

"Daddy Dyin' Who's got the Will?", I believe it is a comedy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Alma Mater

I just found this beautiful picture of a panther on someone else's blog. It's a great pic, and I hope they don't mind.
Since my Alma mater mascot was a panther, I copied it. what a beautiful animal !!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The joys of being a grandpa

This past weekend Corbin came to Grandpa and KK's house. We had the greatest time! We played with toys, the piano. We climbed steps, down steps, took a walk. We did one, two, threeee. : ) Kateri and Anthony came back way to soon!!! But if they hadnt, I think three of us would have had an afternoon nap. Grandkids, I hope we have a house full. But Corbin will do for the moment. But come August, we will have two!