Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Changes are like the seasons or the beginning of a new day. Different.
There are events in our lives births,death,marriage,divorce. In a new year there can be so many changes. This past year I have experienced a lot of "changes". Marriage,surgery,a new job,a different address. Changes, you can embrace them or you don't. Some you can control, some you can not. But changes will come, so prepare your mind to deal with them before they come. Some changes are good, they help us to become better, and look out side of ourselves. Changes don't always have to be bad. So use all changes to your advantage, to make you into what God wants you to become. Changes

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Here is an old pic from way back in '02. This was a structure fire in Pendlton county. It all started with a teenage girl, and a candle. Be careful.