Saturday, December 10, 2011

Team Gang Green~Winter Session

For this years birthday, Cathy ask what I wanted. I had been looking for something to do, and came across Adult Hockey at Northern Kentucky Ice Center. I contacted Hugh.... of NKIC, and he put me in touch with Dave Edwards of Gang Green. Dave told me that they needed skaters,so to come on out. I had played some pick up games when I was kid, but this was my first league team.

Editing Class

The next installment of video production classes from the local cable corporative.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More pics

More pics

Field Audio and Lighting class tonight

Learning basic audio and lighting basics. This seems to be a no brainer,but as Brady shows me more and more equipment. I realize there are so many little things to remember...

Field Camera class

Brady of Media Central giving me the class on basic field camera operations.


My video orientation, policies and procedures.